John Jones is in the chair as usual his speech only slightly impeded by the metal band he wears since a ram butted him in the mouth last spring. He is the most consistent and original of the group, his poem ‘small game’ is a landscape described with John’s usual impressive economy. The white crows that wheel about the poem’s autumn sky are not just birds. Jones is not the nature poet he seems …. the landscape is an ironic metaphor. Hardy-esque in fact.
Anatomy of a living poets’ society
The Observer
This book entire is a work of art; and, like all earnest works of art, it does demand activity from the reader. This book took this reader in and changed him. And for that I thank you John Jones.
Sam Smith,
Poet, Editor The Journal
This exquisite book, touched with mortality, celebrates the business of being alive, reminds us “we’re a long time dead”. John Jones is asking us to live with our shoes off. Not to walk away from the lapis horse but to acknowledge the “exchange between hearts”, the importance of the cyclical nature of things, the fact that “there is strength here; all we have to do is find it”. – and, sometimes to take a gun with us, just in case.
Alicia Stubbersfield
Poet, Editor
New Publications Coming Soon!
The next two publishications are currently in development and forecast to be launched in 2020. Please do check back periodically for the announced release date or get in touch with me if you would like to be added to a mailing list and I can let you know when the next book releases.
Containment Awareness Theory
CAT principle starts with a belief in a fundamental linkage between animate and inanimate objects. In many ways it tries to suggest that the ‘life’ of inanimate objects have real parallels and operate in ‘real time’ with forces generated by biological life cycles. It is suggested here that the same linkage as previously expressed exists between the physical and the spiritual, and that God (whatever we term God to be) is just as contained as any other form, be they living or assumed ‘dead’…
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